Step 1: Log in to your Professional Account
If you aren’t already logged in, go to and enter your LibreView credentials.
Step 2: Access Patient Dashboard
Click the Patient Dashboard icon to access your patient list.
Step 3: Open Filter Feature
The Filter option is located as part of the navigation bar at the top of your dashboard. Click Filter to launch the Edit View window.
Step 4: Add Filters and Columns
Select the Filters you would like to display from the Available Filters list to now appear under Active Filters. You can also add additional columns of data you want associated with this View, remove previous filters, customize the color, and name your Custom View for future use.
Step 5: Save Filters for a Custom View
When you have made all your selections, click Save. Your new filtered list of patients will appear immediately and be listed under your Custom Views.
Note: Anytime time you add/edit a Filter, you are creating a new Custom View. If you do not name the Custom View, it will default to say Custom View and every time you make an adjustment, it will override the last custom view unless you name it.