Search Patients within the Dashboard

Patient Dashboard Overview

The Patient Dashboard allows you to search patient records using searchable columns.

Step 1: Log in to your Professional Account

If you aren’t already logged in, go to and enter your LibreView credentials

Step 2: Access the Patient Dashboard

Click the Patient Dashboard icon to access your patient list to find a specific patient.

Step 3: Search patients

Hover over a specified column in the dashboard to see a Search icon. Click Search icon and a text search box will appear.
Searchable Columns include:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Middle Initial
- Phone Number
- Email
Enter text specific to the column to start the search.

Note: Not all columns are searchable within the Patient Dashboard. Some columns can only be sorted from ascending to descending or descending to ascending order.

Step 4: Locate and select patient

You should see one or more patients appear in your search results. Click the correct name to open that patient’s Profile. From there you will be able to navigate to the patient's Glucose History section, Practices, and other related sections. Clicking some Columns might take you directly to the releated section for that patient.

NOTE: If your search gets no results, the patient may not be linked to your LibreView Account or that patient does not exist.

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