Step 1: Open the Settings Menu
Click the Settings Menu icon.
Step 2: Click My Practices
Click My Practices and select the Practice you want to edit.
Step 3: Open Care Team section
By default you will be placed in the Overview section, click the Care Team tab in the menu.
Step 4: Select or unselect the Admin Privileges box for each Care Team member
Below is a summary of the two types of permissions:
Any healthcare professional in the Practice can:
View patient data
Upload patient glucose devices
Add a new patient
Edit fields in an individual patient's profile
Invite a patient to share data remotely
Customize their view of the Patient Dashboard
In addition to the above, admins can also:
Invite/remove Care Team members
Assign/remove admin status to a Care Team member
Edit Practice Record fields (for the entire Practice)
Edit Practice info
Add or remove Care Team permissions
Receive practice-related email notifications
Learn More: Create a Care Team