How do I set up a LibreView Professional Account?
Go to the LibreView website and click Sign Up. Check the box to confirm that you are signing up for the Professional Account and then click Continue. You will be asked to complete a short registration form, accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Notice, if applicable, complete 2-factor authentication. If you want to start uploading devices, LibreView will prompt you to install software that allows the LibreView platform to get data from your devices. Once you’ve installed the software, you will be able to start uploading devices and viewing reports.
Learn More:
Create A Professional Account
Complete 2-factor authentication
Can I view glucose data that my patients upload at home?
If your patient has a LibreView Account, you do have the ability to view the glucose data the patient uploaded remotely. Click on the Glucose History section of a patient then click the Glucose Reports button to view all uploaded data for the patient, including data uploaded by the patient.